4 research outputs found

    Tax on Inheritance and donations. Debate in the ligth of judgment C 127/12, meaning and consequences for spain

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES]El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, Sala Segunda, dictó el día 3 de septiembre de 2014 sentencia en el asunto Comisión Europea v. Reino de España (As. C-127/2012), declarando que nuestro país había incumplido las obligaciones que le incumbían en virtud del artículo 63 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea y del artículo 40 del Acuerdo sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo, reguladores de la libertad de circulación de capitales, al permitir que la normativa fiscal en materia de sucesiones y donaciones estableciese un trato diferenciado para los ciudadanos no residentes y para los inmuebles sitos en el extranjero. La Ley estatal, al ceder parte de las competencias del Impuesto de Sucesiones y Donaciones a las Comunidades Autónomas, permite a éstas regular una serie de beneficios fiscales complementarios a los establecidos por el Estado, sólo aplicables cuando existiese una conexión con el territorio de esas Comunidades Autónomas

    Do-It-Yourself Empowerment as Experienced by Novice Makers with Disabilities

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    Recent HCI research has highlighted the potential afforded by maker technologies for supporting new forms of DIY Assistive Technology (DIY-AT) for people with disabilities. Furthermore, the popular discourse surrounding both the maker movement and disability is one of democratisation and empowerment. Despite this, critics argue that maker movement membership lacks diversity and that within DIY-AT, it is seldom the people with disabilities who are creating such designs. We conducted a qualitative study that explored how people with disabilities experience the empowering potential of making. We analysed online videos by makers with disabilities and conducted fieldwork at two makerspaces. These informed the design of DIY-Abilities, a series of workshops for people with disabilities in which participants could learn different maker technologies and complete their own maker project. Through analysis of participants’ narratives we contribute a new perspective on the specific social and material capacities of accessible maker initiatives

    Depiction of Victorian Everyday Life in Angels and Insects by A.S. Byatt

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    Sākot ar 1960-iem gadiem britu rakstnieki izrādījuši pastiprinātu interesi par vēsturi, jo īpaši par karalienes Viktorijas valdīšanas laiku. Šī interese izpaužas divos veidos: gan kā interese par viktoriāņu romāna reālistisko tradīciju, gan kā interese tieši par viktoriāņu laiku. Bakalaura darbā viktoriāņu laikmets tiek aplūkots saistībā ar tā ikdienas īpatnību tēlojumu A.S. Baietas garstāstu krājumā Eņģeļi un kukaiņi. Īpaša uzmanība tiek veltīta ne tikai ikdienas koncepcijām no dažādām zinību nozarēm, bet galvenokārt tam, kā A.S. Baieta, būdama mūsdienu rakstniece, projicē savu pasaules skatījumu uz viktoriāņu attieksmi pret ģimeni un tās ikdienas nodarbēm, dzimtes problēmām un seksualitāti.From the 1960s onwards, there develops interest in history, particularly in the period of Queen Victoria’s reign, among British literary writers. One may talk about that interest in two aspects: as interest in the realistic tradition of Victorian novel and as interest in the Victorian Age itself. In the given paper, the latter is studied in regard to its depiction in A. S. Byatt’s two novellas Angels and Insects, with special emphasis on some peculiarities of Victorian everyday life and culture. To investigate it, the author of the present paper discusses not only some interdisciplinary conceptions of everyday reality and some particular aspects of people’s everyday life and culture in the Victorian era, but also, and more significantly, the way in which A.S. Byatt, possessing the sensibility the Victorians lacked, projects her modern vision of Victorian attitudes towards such aspects of everyday life as family and its preoccupations, gender issues and sexuality

    The Application of the Creative Exercises as a Motivating Factor for the Learning of German and for the Development of the Speaking Skills of the Learners

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    Darba mērķis ir pierādīt, ka kreatīvo uzdevumu izmantošana vācu valodas stundās var radikāli mainīt ne tikai mācību procesu kā tādu, bet arī rādīt skolēnu interesi par vācu valodu un motivēt viņus tālākai vācu valodas apguvei. Bez tam kreatīvie uzdevumi palīdz skolēniem pārliecināties, ka viņi ir spējīgi ļoti sekmīgi pielietot jau iegūtās zināšanas un ātri bez jebkādām grūtībām apgūt jaunās tēmas un vārdus. Kreatīvie uzdevumi palīdz skolēniem izvairīties no stresiem, kas ir saistīti ar bailēm no kļūdām un satraukumu par sliktiem vērtējumiem